University of Texas at Dallas

EPPS 6323: Knowledge Mining

Final Project

Academic Analytics: Predictions around Argentine “Aprender” National Evaluation

Dr. Karl Ho

Student: Federico Ferrero

Clear your memory


Reading in the data

mydata <- read.delim("/Users/feder/Desktop/km_project/aprender_cordoba_dataset.txt")

Names of variables

##   [1] "ID1"                            "cod_provincia"                 
##   [3] "sector"                         "ambito"                        
##   [5] "claveseccion"                   "idalumno"                      
##   [7] "ap01_01"                        "ap01_02"                       
##   [9] "ap02"                           "gender"                        
##  [11] "female"                         "ap03"                          
##  [13] "ap04"                           "ap05"                          
##  [15] "ap06"                           "ap07"                          
##  [17] "ap08_a"                         "ap08_b"                        
##  [19] "ap08_c"                         "ap08_d"                        
##  [21] "ap08_e"                         "ap08_f"                        
##  [23] "ap08_g"                         "ap08_h"                        
##  [25] "ap08_i"                         "ap09"                          
##  [27] "ap10"                           "ap11_01"                       
##  [29] "ap11_02"                        "ap11_03"                       
##  [31] "ap11_04"                        "ap11_05"                       
##  [33] "ap11_06"                        "ap11_07"                       
##  [35] "ap11_08"                        "ap12"                          
##  [37] "ap13"                           "ap14_01"                       
##  [39] "ap14_02"                        "ap15"                          
##  [41] "ap16"                           "ap17"                          
##  [43] "ap18_01"                        "ap18_02"                       
##  [45] "ap18_03"                        "ap19"                          
##  [47] "ap21"                           "ap22"                          
##  [49] "ap23_01"                        "ap23_02"                       
##  [51] "ap23_03"                        "ap23_04"                       
##  [53] "ap23_05"                        "ap23_06"                       
##  [55] "ap24"                           "ap25_01"                       
##  [57] "ap25_02"                        "ap25_03"                       
##  [59] "ap26"                           "ap27_a"                        
##  [61] "ap27_b"                         "ap27_c"                        
##  [63] "ap27_d"                         "ap27_e"                        
##  [65] "ap27_f"                         "ap28_01"                       
##  [67] "ap28_02"                        "ap28_03"                       
##  [69] "ap28_04"                        "ap29_01"                       
##  [71] "ap29_02"                        "ap29_03"                       
##  [73] "ap29_04"                        "ap29_05"                       
##  [75] "ap29_06"                        "ap29_07"                       
##  [77] "ap30"                           "ap31_01"                       
##  [79] "ap31_02"                        "ap31_03"                       
##  [81] "ap31_04"                        "ap31_05"                       
##  [83] "ap31_06"                        "ap32_a"                        
##  [85] "ap32_b"                         "ap32_c"                        
##  [87] "ap32_d"                         "ap32_e"                        
##  [89] "ap32_f"                         "ap33_01_a"                     
##  [91] "ap33_02_a"                      "ap33_03_a"                     
##  [93] "ap33_04_a"                      "ap33_01_b"                     
##  [95] "ap33_02_b"                      "ap33_03_b"                     
##  [97] "ap33_04_b"                      "ap33_01bis"                    
##  [99] "ap33_02bis"                     "ap33_03bis"                    
## [101] "ap33_04bis"                     "ap33_05bis"                    
## [103] "ap33_06bis"                     "ap33_07bis"                    
## [105] "ap33_08bis"                     "ap33_09bis"                    
## [107] "ap33_10bis"                     "ap33_11bis"                    
## [109] "ap34"                           "ap35_01"                       
## [111] "ap35_02"                        "ap35_03"                       
## [113] "ap35_04"                        "ap35_05"                       
## [115] "ap36_a"                         "ap36_b"                        
## [117] "ap36_c"                         "ap36_d"                        
## [119] "ap36_e"                         "ap36_f"                        
## [121] "ap37_a"                         "ap37_b"                        
## [123] "ap37_c"                         "ap37_d"                        
## [125] "ap37_e"                         "ap37_f"                        
## [127] "ap37_g"                         "ap37_h"                        
## [129] "ap37_i"                         "ap37_j"                        
## [131] "ap37_k"                         "ap37_l"                        
## [133] "ap37_m"                         "ap37_n"                        
## [135] "ap38_a"                         "ap38_b"                        
## [137] "ap38_c"                         "ap38_d"                        
## [139] "ap38_e"                         "ap38_f"                        
## [141] "ap38_g"                         "ap38_h"                        
## [143] "ap38_i"                         "ap38_j"                        
## [145] "ap38_k"                         "ap38_l"                        
## [147] "ap38_m"                         "ap38_n"                        
## [149] "ap39_01"                        "ap39_02"                       
## [151] "ap39_03"                        "ap39_04"                       
## [153] "ap40_01"                        "ap40_02"                       
## [155] "ap40_03"                        "ap40_04"                       
## [157] "ap40_05"                        "ap40_06"                       
## [159] "ap41_01"                        "ap41_02"                       
## [161] "ap41_03"                        "ap41_04"                       
## [163] "ap41_05"                        "ap41_06"                       
## [165] "ap41_07"                        "ap41_08"                       
## [167] "ap41_09"                        "ap41_10"                       
## [169] "ap41_11"                        "ap42_01"                       
## [171] "ap42_02"                        "ap42_03"                       
## [173] "ap42_04"                        "ap43_a"                        
## [175] "ap43_b"                         "ap43_c"                        
## [177] "ap43_d"                         "ap43_e"                        
## [179] "ap43_f"                         "ap43_g"                        
## [181] "ap43_h"                         "ap44_01"                       
## [183] "ap44_02"                        "ap44_03"                       
## [185] "ap44_04"                        "ap44_05"                       
## [187] "ap45"                           "ap46_01"                       
## [189] "ap46_02"                        "ap46_03"                       
## [191] "ap46_04"                        "ap46_05"                       
## [193] "ap47_01"                        "ap47_02"                       
## [195] "ap47_03"                        "ap47_04"                       
## [197] "ap47_05"                        "ap47_06"                       
## [199] "ap47_07"                        "ap47_08"                       
## [201] "ap47_09"                        "ap47_10"                       
## [203] "ap47_11"                        "ap47_12"                       
## [205] "ap48_a"                         "ap48_b"                        
## [207] "ap48_c"                         "ap48_d"                        
## [209] "ap48_e"                         "ap48_f"                        
## [211] "ap48_g"                         "ap48_h"                        
## [213] "ap48_i"                         "ap49_01"                       
## [215] "ap49_02"                        "ap50_01"                       
## [217] "ap50_02"                        "ap50_03"                       
## [219] "ap50_04"                        "ap50_05"                       
## [221] "ap51_01"                        "ap51_02"                       
## [223] "ap51_03"                        "ap51_04"                       
## [225] "ap51_05"                        "ap51_06"                       
## [227] "ap51_07"                        "ap51_08"                       
## [229] "ap51_09"                        "ap51_10"                       
## [231] "ponder"                         "lpondera"                      
## [233] "mpondera"                       "ldesemp"                       
## [235] "mdesemp"                        "TEL"                           
## [237] "TEM"                            "modelo"                        
## [239] "isocioa_puntaje"                "isocioa"                       
## [241] "isocioal_puntaje"               "isocioal"                      
## [243] "isocioam_puntaje"               "isocioam"                      
## [245] "repitencia_dicotomica"          "jardín"                        
## [247] "ap37_dicotomica"                "ap29_01.dico"                  
## [249] "ap29_02.dico"                   "ap29_03.dico"                  
## [251] "ap29_04.dico"                   "ap29_05.dico"                  
## [253] "ap29_06.dico"                   "ap29_07.dico"                  
## [255] "ap26_rec"                       "trabaja_fuera_hogar"           
## [257] "trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado" "migración"                     
## [259] "edadA_junio2019"                "sobreedad"                     
## [261] "infraestructura"                "iinfraestructura"              
## [263] "ap42_01rec"                     "ap42_02rec"                    
## [265] "ap42_03rec"                     "ap42_04rec"

Exploratory Data Analysis

Language Performance ~ Math Performance

## Warning: package 'car' was built under R version 4.0.3
## Loading required package: carData
scatterplot(ldesemp ~ mdesemp, data=mydata,
            xlab="Math Performance", ylab="Language Performance",
            main="Language Performance by Math Performance")

Students’ performances by Sector and Ambit

par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
boxplot(ldesemp~sector,data=mydata, main="Language Performance by Sector", sub="1= Public  2= Private",
        xlab="Sector", ylab="Language Performance", col="orange")

boxplot(ldesemp~ambito,data=mydata, main="Language Performance by Ambit", sub="1= Urban  2= Rural",
        xlab="Ambit", ylab="Language Performance", col="orange")

boxplot(mdesemp~sector,data=mydata, main="Math Performance by Sector", sub="1= Public  2= Private",
        xlab="Sector", ylab="Math Performance", col="lightblue")

boxplot(mdesemp~ambito,data=mydata, main="Math Performance by Ambit", sub="1= Urban  2= Rural",
        xlab="Ambit", ylab="Math Performance", col="lightblue")

Students’ performances by Gender

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

counts1 <- table(mydata$ldesemp, mydata$gender)
barplot(counts1, main="Language Performance Level by Gender", sub="1= Male 2= Female 3= Other",
        xlab="Gender", col=c("red","orange","lightblue","forestgreen"), ylim=c(0,20000))

counts2 <- table(mydata$mdesemp, mydata$gender)
barplot(counts2, main="Math Performance Level by Gender", sub="1= Male 2= Female 3= Other",
        xlab="Gender", col=c("red","orange","lightblue","forestgreen"),
        legend.text = c("Low", "Basic", "Satisf.", "Adv."), ylim=c(0,20000))

Students’ performances by Repetition and Work Experience

par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
boxplot(ldesemp~repitencia_dicotomica,data=mydata, main="Language Performance by School Repetition", sub="1= Repeated School Grade  2= Non Repeated School Grade  3= No answer",
        xlab="School Repetition", ylab="Language Performance", col="pink")

boxplot(mdesemp~repitencia_dicotomica,data=mydata, main="Math Performance by School Repetition", sub="1= Repeated School Grade  2= Non Repeated School Grade  3= No answer",
        xlab="School Repetition", ylab="Math Performance", col="pink")

boxplot(ldesemp~trabaja_fuera_hogar,data=mydata, main="Language Performance by Students Who Work", sub="1= Yes  2= No  3= No answer",
        xlab="Students Who Work", ylab="Language Performance", col="darkkhaki")

boxplot(mdesemp~trabaja_fuera_hogar,data=mydata, main="Math Performance by Students Who Work", sub="1= Yes  2= No  3= No answer",
        xlab="Students Who Work", ylab="Math Performance", col="darkkhaki")

Students’ Performances by Socioeconomic Level

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

counts1 <- table(mydata$ldesemp, mydata$isocioa)
barplot(counts1, main="Language Performance by Socioeconomic Level", sub="-1=Non Answer, 1= Low 2= Medium 3= High",
        xlab="Socioeconomic Level", col=c("red","orange","lightblue","forestgreen"), ylim=c(0,20000))

counts2 <- table(mydata$mdesemp, mydata$isocioa)
barplot(counts2, main="Math Performance by Socioeconomic Level", sub="-1=Non Answer, 1= Low 2= Medium 3= High",
        xlab="Socioeconomic Level", col=c("red","orange","lightblue","forestgreen"),
        legend.text = c("Low", "Basic", "Satisf.", "Adv."), ylim=c(0,20000))

Finding the best models for Argentine Aprender Evaluation

Reading in the data

mydata <- read.delim("/Users/feder/Desktop/km_project/aprender_cordoba_dataset_to_subset.txt")

Save the 1 best model per subset size for language and math performance

## Warning: package 'leaps' was built under R version 4.0.5
leaps1<- regsubsets(ldesemp ~., data= mydata, nbest=1, method = "backward") 
## Subset selection object
## Call: regsubsets.formula(ldesemp ~ ., data = mydata, nbest = 1, method = "backward")
## 247 Variables  (and intercept)
##                                Forced in Forced out
## mdesemp                            FALSE      FALSE
## sector                             FALSE      FALSE
## ambito                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap01_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap01_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## gender                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap03                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap04                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap05                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap06                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap07                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_g                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_h                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_i                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap09                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap10                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_07                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_08                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap12                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap13                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap14_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap14_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap15                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap16                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap17                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap18_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap18_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap18_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap19                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap21                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap22                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap24                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap25_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap25_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap25_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap26                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap28_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap28_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap28_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap28_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_07                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap30                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_01_a                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_02_a                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_03_a                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_04_a                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_01_b                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_02_b                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_03_b                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_04_b                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_01bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_02bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_03bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_04bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_05bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_06bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_07bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_08bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_09bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_10bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_11bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap34                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap35_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap35_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap35_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap35_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap35_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_g                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_h                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_i                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_j                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_k                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_l                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_m                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_n                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_g                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_h                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_i                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_j                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_k                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_l                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_m                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_n                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap39_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap39_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap39_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap39_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_07                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_08                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_09                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_10                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_11                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_g                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_h                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap44_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap44_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap44_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap44_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap44_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap45                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap46_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap46_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap46_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap46_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap46_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_07                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_08                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_09                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_10                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_11                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_12                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_g                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_h                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_i                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap49_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap49_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap50_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap50_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap50_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap50_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap50_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_07                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_08                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_09                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_10                            FALSE      FALSE
## isocioa                            FALSE      FALSE
## repitencia_dicotomica              FALSE      FALSE
## jardín                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_dicotomica                    FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_01.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_02.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_03.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_04.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_05.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_06.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_07.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap26_rec                           FALSE      FALSE
## trabaja_fuera_hogar                FALSE      FALSE
## trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado     FALSE      FALSE
## migración                          FALSE      FALSE
## edadA_junio2019                    FALSE      FALSE
## sobreedad                          FALSE      FALSE
## iinfraestructura                   FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_01rec                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_02rec                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_03rec                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_04rec                         FALSE      FALSE
## 1 subsets of each size up to 8
## Selection Algorithm: backward
##          mdesemp sector ambito ap01_01 ap01_02 gender ap03 ap04 ap05 ap06 ap07
## 1  ( 1 ) "*"     " "    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 2  ( 1 ) "*"     " "    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 3  ( 1 ) "*"     " "    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 4  ( 1 ) "*"     " "    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 5  ( 1 ) "*"     " "    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 6  ( 1 ) "*"     " "    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 7  ( 1 ) "*"     " "    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 8  ( 1 ) "*"     " "    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
##          ap08_a ap08_b ap08_c ap08_d ap08_e ap08_f ap08_g ap08_h ap08_i ap09
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
##          ap10 ap11_01 ap11_02 ap11_03 ap11_04 ap11_05 ap11_06 ap11_07 ap11_08
## 1  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap12 ap13 ap14_01 ap14_02 ap15 ap16 ap17 ap18_01 ap18_02 ap18_03 ap19
## 1  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 2  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 3  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 4  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 5  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 6  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 7  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 8  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
##          ap21 ap22 ap23_01 ap23_02 ap23_03 ap23_04 ap23_05 ap23_06 ap24 ap25_01
## 1  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "  "*"  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "  "*"  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "  "*"  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "  "*"  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "  "*"  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
##          ap25_02 ap25_03 ap26 ap27_a ap27_b ap27_c ap27_d ap27_e ap27_f ap28_01
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
##          ap28_02 ap28_03 ap28_04 ap29_01 ap29_02 ap29_03 ap29_04 ap29_05
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap29_06 ap29_07 ap30 ap31_01 ap31_02 ap31_03 ap31_04 ap31_05 ap31_06
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap32_a ap32_b ap32_c ap32_d ap32_e ap32_f ap33_01_a ap33_02_a
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
##          ap33_03_a ap33_04_a ap33_01_b ap33_02_b ap33_03_b ap33_04_b ap33_01bis
## 1  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 2  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 3  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 4  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 5  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 6  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 7  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 8  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
##          ap33_02bis ap33_03bis ap33_04bis ap33_05bis ap33_06bis ap33_07bis
## 1  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 2  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 3  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 4  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 5  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 6  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 7  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 8  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
##          ap33_08bis ap33_09bis ap33_10bis ap33_11bis ap34 ap35_01 ap35_02
## 1  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
##          ap35_03 ap35_04 ap35_05 ap36_a ap36_b ap36_c ap36_d ap36_e ap36_f
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
##          ap37_a ap37_b ap37_c ap37_d ap37_e ap37_f ap37_g ap37_h ap37_i ap37_j
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) "*"    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
##          ap37_k ap37_l ap37_m ap37_n ap38_a ap38_b ap38_c ap38_d ap38_e ap38_f
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
##          ap38_g ap38_h ap38_i ap38_j ap38_k ap38_l ap38_m ap38_n ap39_01
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    "*"    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    "*"    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    "*"    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    "*"    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    "*"    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    "*"    " "    " "    " "    "*"    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    "*"    " "    " "    " "    "*"    
##          ap39_02 ap39_03 ap39_04 ap40_01 ap40_02 ap40_03 ap40_04 ap40_05
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap40_06 ap41_01 ap41_02 ap41_03 ap41_04 ap41_05 ap41_06 ap41_07
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap41_08 ap41_09 ap41_10 ap41_11 ap42_01 ap42_02 ap42_03 ap42_04 ap43_a
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
##          ap43_b ap43_c ap43_d ap43_e ap43_f ap43_g ap43_h ap44_01 ap44_02
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
##          ap44_03 ap44_04 ap44_05 ap45 ap46_01 ap46_02 ap46_03 ap46_04 ap46_05
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap47_01 ap47_02 ap47_03 ap47_04 ap47_05 ap47_06 ap47_07 ap47_08
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap47_09 ap47_10 ap47_11 ap47_12 ap48_a ap48_b ap48_c ap48_d ap48_e
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
##          ap48_f ap48_g ap48_h ap48_i ap49_01 ap49_02 ap50_01 ap50_02 ap50_03
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap50_04 ap50_05 ap51_01 ap51_02 ap51_03 ap51_04 ap51_05 ap51_06
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap51_07 ap51_08 ap51_09 ap51_10 isocioa repitencia_dicotomica jardín
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "                   " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "                   " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "                   " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "                   " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "                   " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "                   " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "                   " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "                   " "   
##          ap37_dicotomica ap29_01.dico ap29_02.dico ap29_03.dico ap29_04.dico
## 1  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 2  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 3  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 4  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 5  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 6  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 7  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 8  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
##          ap29_05.dico ap29_06.dico ap29_07.dico ap26_rec trabaja_fuera_hogar
## 1  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 2  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 3  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 4  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 5  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 6  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 7  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 8  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
##          trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado migración edadA_junio2019 sobreedad
## 1  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 2  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 3  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 4  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 5  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             "*"      
## 6  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       "*"             "*"      
## 7  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       "*"             "*"      
## 8  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       "*"             "*"      
##          iinfraestructura ap42_01rec ap42_02rec ap42_03rec ap42_04rec
## 1  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 2  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 3  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 4  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 5  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 6  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 7  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 8  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "
leaps2<- regsubsets(mdesemp ~., data= mydata, nbest=1, method = "forward") 
## Subset selection object
## Call: regsubsets.formula(mdesemp ~ ., data = mydata, nbest = 1, method = "forward")
## 247 Variables  (and intercept)
##                                Forced in Forced out
## ldesemp                            FALSE      FALSE
## sector                             FALSE      FALSE
## ambito                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap01_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap01_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## gender                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap03                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap04                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap05                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap06                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap07                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_g                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_h                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap08_i                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap09                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap10                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_07                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap11_08                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap12                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap13                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap14_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap14_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap15                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap16                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap17                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap18_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap18_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap18_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap19                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap21                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap22                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap23_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap24                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap25_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap25_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap25_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap26                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap27_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap28_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap28_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap28_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap28_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_07                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap30                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap31_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap32_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_01_a                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_02_a                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_03_a                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_04_a                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_01_b                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_02_b                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_03_b                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_04_b                          FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_01bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_02bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_03bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_04bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_05bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_06bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_07bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_08bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_09bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_10bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap33_11bis                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap34                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap35_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap35_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap35_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap35_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap35_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap36_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_g                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_h                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_i                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_j                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_k                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_l                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_m                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_n                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_g                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_h                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_i                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_j                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_k                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_l                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_m                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap38_n                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap39_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap39_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap39_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap39_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap40_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_07                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_08                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_09                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_10                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap41_11                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_g                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap43_h                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap44_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap44_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap44_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap44_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap44_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap45                               FALSE      FALSE
## ap46_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap46_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap46_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap46_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap46_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_07                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_08                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_09                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_10                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_11                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap47_12                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_a                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_b                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_c                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_d                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_e                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_f                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_g                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_h                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap48_i                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap49_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap49_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap50_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap50_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap50_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap50_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap50_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_01                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_02                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_03                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_04                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_05                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_06                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_07                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_08                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_09                            FALSE      FALSE
## ap51_10                            FALSE      FALSE
## isocioa                            FALSE      FALSE
## repitencia_dicotomica              FALSE      FALSE
## jardín                             FALSE      FALSE
## ap37_dicotomica                    FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_01.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_02.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_03.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_04.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_05.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_06.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap29_07.dico                       FALSE      FALSE
## ap26_rec                           FALSE      FALSE
## trabaja_fuera_hogar                FALSE      FALSE
## trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado     FALSE      FALSE
## migración                          FALSE      FALSE
## edadA_junio2019                    FALSE      FALSE
## sobreedad                          FALSE      FALSE
## iinfraestructura                   FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_01rec                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_02rec                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_03rec                         FALSE      FALSE
## ap42_04rec                         FALSE      FALSE
## 1 subsets of each size up to 8
## Selection Algorithm: forward
##          ldesemp sector ambito ap01_01 ap01_02 gender ap03 ap04 ap05 ap06 ap07
## 1  ( 1 ) "*"     " "    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 2  ( 1 ) "*"     "*"    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 3  ( 1 ) "*"     "*"    " "    " "     " "     " "    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 4  ( 1 ) "*"     "*"    " "    " "     " "     "*"    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 5  ( 1 ) "*"     "*"    " "    " "     " "     "*"    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 6  ( 1 ) "*"     "*"    " "    " "     " "     "*"    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 7  ( 1 ) "*"     "*"    " "    " "     " "     "*"    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
## 8  ( 1 ) "*"     "*"    " "    " "     " "     "*"    " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
##          ap08_a ap08_b ap08_c ap08_d ap08_e ap08_f ap08_g ap08_h ap08_i ap09
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " " 
##          ap10 ap11_01 ap11_02 ap11_03 ap11_04 ap11_05 ap11_06 ap11_07 ap11_08
## 1  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap12 ap13 ap14_01 ap14_02 ap15 ap16 ap17 ap18_01 ap18_02 ap18_03 ap19
## 1  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 2  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 3  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 4  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 5  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 6  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 7  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
## 8  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "  " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " " 
##          ap21 ap22 ap23_01 ap23_02 ap23_03 ap23_04 ap23_05 ap23_06 ap24 ap25_01
## 1  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "  " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "  " "    
##          ap25_02 ap25_03 ap26 ap27_a ap27_b ap27_c ap27_d ap27_e ap27_f ap28_01
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     "*"  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     "*"  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     "*"  " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
##          ap28_02 ap28_03 ap28_04 ap29_01 ap29_02 ap29_03 ap29_04 ap29_05
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap29_06 ap29_07 ap30 ap31_01 ap31_02 ap31_03 ap31_04 ap31_05 ap31_06
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap32_a ap32_b ap32_c ap32_d ap32_e ap32_f ap33_01_a ap33_02_a
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "       " "      
##          ap33_03_a ap33_04_a ap33_01_b ap33_02_b ap33_03_b ap33_04_b ap33_01bis
## 1  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 2  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 3  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 4  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 5  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 6  ( 1 ) " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 7  ( 1 ) "*"       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
## 8  ( 1 ) "*"       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       " "       
##          ap33_02bis ap33_03bis ap33_04bis ap33_05bis ap33_06bis ap33_07bis
## 1  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 2  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 3  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 4  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 5  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 6  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 7  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 8  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "        " "       
##          ap33_08bis ap33_09bis ap33_10bis ap33_11bis ap34 ap35_01 ap35_02
## 1  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "        " "        " "        " "        " "  " "     " "    
##          ap35_03 ap35_04 ap35_05 ap36_a ap36_b ap36_c ap36_d ap36_e ap36_f
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
##          ap37_a ap37_b ap37_c ap37_d ap37_e ap37_f ap37_g ap37_h ap37_i ap37_j
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
##          ap37_k ap37_l ap37_m ap37_n ap38_a ap38_b ap38_c ap38_d ap38_e ap38_f
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
##          ap38_g ap38_h ap38_i ap38_j ap38_k ap38_l ap38_m ap38_n ap39_01
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    
##          ap39_02 ap39_03 ap39_04 ap40_01 ap40_02 ap40_03 ap40_04 ap40_05
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) "*"     " "     " "     "*"     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap40_06 ap41_01 ap41_02 ap41_03 ap41_04 ap41_05 ap41_06 ap41_07
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap41_08 ap41_09 ap41_10 ap41_11 ap42_01 ap42_02 ap42_03 ap42_04 ap43_a
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "   
##          ap43_b ap43_c ap43_d ap43_e ap43_f ap43_g ap43_h ap44_01 ap44_02
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "    
##          ap44_03 ap44_04 ap44_05 ap45 ap46_01 ap46_02 ap46_03 ap46_04 ap46_05
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "  " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap47_01 ap47_02 ap47_03 ap47_04 ap47_05 ap47_06 ap47_07 ap47_08
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap47_09 ap47_10 ap47_11 ap47_12 ap48_a ap48_b ap48_c ap48_d ap48_e
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    " "    " "    " "    " "   
##          ap48_f ap48_g ap48_h ap48_i ap49_01 ap49_02 ap50_01 ap50_02 ap50_03
## 1  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "    " "    " "    " "    " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap50_04 ap50_05 ap51_01 ap51_02 ap51_03 ap51_04 ap51_05 ap51_06
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "    
##          ap51_07 ap51_08 ap51_09 ap51_10 isocioa repitencia_dicotomica jardín
## 1  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "                   " "   
## 2  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "                   " "   
## 3  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "                   " "   
## 4  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     " "     " "                   " "   
## 5  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "                   " "   
## 6  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "                   " "   
## 7  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "                   " "   
## 8  ( 1 ) " "     " "     " "     " "     "*"     " "                   " "   
##          ap37_dicotomica ap29_01.dico ap29_02.dico ap29_03.dico ap29_04.dico
## 1  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 2  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 3  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 4  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 5  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 6  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 7  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
## 8  ( 1 ) " "             " "          " "          " "          " "         
##          ap29_05.dico ap29_06.dico ap29_07.dico ap26_rec trabaja_fuera_hogar
## 1  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 2  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 3  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 4  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 5  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 6  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 7  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
## 8  ( 1 ) " "          " "          " "          " "      " "                
##          trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado migración edadA_junio2019 sobreedad
## 1  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 2  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 3  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 4  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 5  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 6  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 7  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
## 8  ( 1 ) " "                            " "       " "             " "      
##          iinfraestructura ap42_01rec ap42_02rec ap42_03rec ap42_04rec
## 1  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 2  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 3  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 4  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 5  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 6  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 7  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "       
## 8  ( 1 ) " "              " "        " "        " "        " "

How many predictors are the optimal number when predicting language performance?

leaps_summary1 <- summary(leaps1)
## Loading required package: tidyverse
## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.1 --
## v ggplot2 3.3.3     v purrr   0.3.4
## v tibble  3.1.1     v dplyr   1.0.5
## v tidyr   1.1.3     v stringr 1.4.0
## v readr   1.4.0     v forcats 0.5.1
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 4.0.4
## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.0.3
## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 4.0.4
## Warning: package 'forcats' was built under R version 4.0.3
## -- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse_conflicts() --
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## x dplyr::recode() masks car::recode()
## x purrr::some()   masks car::some()
## Loading required package: ggthemes
## Warning: package 'ggthemes' was built under R version 4.0.5
data_frame(Cp = leaps_summary1$cp,
           BIC = leaps_summary1$bic,
           AdjR2 = leaps_summary1$adjr2) %>%
        mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
        gather(value_type, value, -id) %>%
        ggplot(aes(id, value, col = value_type)) +
        geom_line() + geom_point() + ylab('') + xlab('Number of Variables Used') +
        facet_wrap(~ value_type, scales = 'free') + scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10)
## Warning: `data_frame()` was deprecated in tibble 1.1.0.
## Please use `tibble()` instead.

5 seems to be the better number of predictors for the model when predicting language performance: 5 predictors have the highest AdjR2 and the lowest BIC and Cp.

Now, plot statistics by subset size (bic, cp, adjr2) when predicting language performance


subsets(leaps1, statistic="bic", xlim=c(-100,120), legend = FALSE)
## Warning in abbreviate(object$xnames, minlength = abbrev): abbreviate used with
## non-ASCII chars

## Warning in abbreviate(object$xnames, minlength = abbrev): abbreviate used with
## non-ASCII chars

##                                Abbreviation
## mdesemp                                  md
## sector                                   sc
## ambito                                   am
## ap01_01                              a01_01
## ap01_02                              a01_02
## gender                                    g
## ap03                                    a03
## ap04                                    a04
## ap05                                    a05
## ap06                                    a06
## ap07                                    a07
## ap08_a                               ap08_a
## ap08_b                               ap08_b
## ap08_c                               ap08_c
## ap08_d                               ap08_d
## ap08_e                               ap08_e
## ap08_f                               ap08_f
## ap08_g                               ap08_g
## ap08_h                               ap08_h
## ap08_i                               ap08_i
## ap09                                    a09
## ap10                                    a10
## ap11_01                              a11_01
## ap11_02                              a11_02
## ap11_03                              a11_03
## ap11_04                              a11_04
## ap11_05                              a11_05
## ap11_06                              a11_06
## ap11_07                              a11_07
## ap11_08                              a11_08
## ap12                                    a12
## ap13                                    a13
## ap14_01                              a14_01
## ap14_02                              a14_02
## ap15                                    a15
## ap16                                    a16
## ap17                                    a17
## ap18_01                              a18_01
## ap18_02                              a18_02
## ap18_03                              a18_03
## ap19                                    a19
## ap21                                    a21
## ap22                                    a22
## ap23_01                              a23_01
## ap23_02                              a23_02
## ap23_03                              a23_03
## ap23_04                              a23_04
## ap23_05                              a23_05
## ap23_06                              a23_06
## ap24                                    a24
## ap25_01                              a25_01
## ap25_02                              a25_02
## ap25_03                              a25_03
## ap26                                   ap26
## ap27_a                               ap27_a
## ap27_b                               ap27_b
## ap27_c                               ap27_c
## ap27_d                               ap27_d
## ap27_e                               ap27_e
## ap27_f                               ap27_f
## ap28_01                              a28_01
## ap28_02                              a28_02
## ap28_03                              a28_03
## ap28_04                              a28_04
## ap29_01                             ap29_01
## ap29_02                             ap29_02
## ap29_03                             ap29_03
## ap29_04                             ap29_04
## ap29_05                             ap29_05
## ap29_06                             ap29_06
## ap29_07                             ap29_07
## ap30                                    a30
## ap31_01                              a31_01
## ap31_02                              a31_02
## ap31_03                              a31_03
## ap31_04                              a31_04
## ap31_05                              a31_05
## ap31_06                              a31_06
## ap32_a                               ap32_a
## ap32_b                               ap32_b
## ap32_c                               ap32_c
## ap32_d                               ap32_d
## ap32_e                               ap32_e
## ap32_f                               ap32_f
## ap33_01_a                         ap33_01_a
## ap33_02_a                         ap33_02_a
## ap33_03_a                         ap33_03_a
## ap33_04_a                         ap33_04_a
## ap33_01_b                         ap33_01_b
## ap33_02_b                         ap33_02_b
## ap33_03_b                         ap33_03_b
## ap33_04_b                         ap33_04_b
## ap33_01bis                          ap33_01
## ap33_02bis                          ap33_02
## ap33_03bis                          ap33_03
## ap33_04bis                          ap33_04
## ap33_05bis                           a33_05
## ap33_06bis                           a33_06
## ap33_07bis                           a33_07
## ap33_08bis                           a33_08
## ap33_09bis                           a33_09
## ap33_10bis                           a33_10
## ap33_11bis                           a33_11
## ap34                                    a34
## ap35_01                              a35_01
## ap35_02                              a35_02
## ap35_03                              a35_03
## ap35_04                              a35_04
## ap35_05                              a35_05
## ap36_a                               ap36_a
## ap36_b                               ap36_b
## ap36_c                               ap36_c
## ap36_d                               ap36_d
## ap36_e                               ap36_e
## ap36_f                               ap36_f
## ap37_a                               ap37_a
## ap37_b                               ap37_b
## ap37_c                               ap37_c
## ap37_d                               ap37_d
## ap37_e                               ap37_e
## ap37_f                               ap37_f
## ap37_g                               ap37_g
## ap37_h                               ap37_h
## ap37_i                               ap37_i
## ap37_j                               ap37_j
## ap37_k                               ap37_k
## ap37_l                               ap37_l
## ap37_m                               ap37_m
## ap37_n                               ap37_n
## ap38_a                               ap38_a
## ap38_b                               ap38_b
## ap38_c                               ap38_c
## ap38_d                               ap38_d
## ap38_e                               ap38_e
## ap38_f                               ap38_f
## ap38_g                               ap38_g
## ap38_h                               ap38_h
## ap38_i                               ap38_i
## ap38_j                               ap38_j
## ap38_k                               ap38_k
## ap38_l                               ap38_l
## ap38_m                               ap38_m
## ap38_n                               ap38_n
## ap39_01                              a39_01
## ap39_02                              a39_02
## ap39_03                              a39_03
## ap39_04                              a39_04
## ap40_01                              a40_01
## ap40_02                              a40_02
## ap40_03                              a40_03
## ap40_04                              a40_04
## ap40_05                              a40_05
## ap40_06                              a40_06
## ap41_01                              a41_01
## ap41_02                              a41_02
## ap41_03                              a41_03
## ap41_04                              a41_04
## ap41_05                              a41_05
## ap41_06                              a41_06
## ap41_07                              a41_07
## ap41_08                              a41_08
## ap41_09                              a41_09
## ap41_10                              a41_10
## ap41_11                              a41_11
## ap42_01                             ap42_01
## ap42_02                             ap42_02
## ap42_03                             ap42_03
## ap42_04                             ap42_04
## ap43_a                               ap43_a
## ap43_b                               ap43_b
## ap43_c                               ap43_c
## ap43_d                               ap43_d
## ap43_e                               ap43_e
## ap43_f                               ap43_f
## ap43_g                               ap43_g
## ap43_h                               ap43_h
## ap44_01                              a44_01
## ap44_02                              a44_02
## ap44_03                              a44_03
## ap44_04                              a44_04
## ap44_05                              a44_05
## ap45                                    a45
## ap46_01                              a46_01
## ap46_02                              a46_02
## ap46_03                              a46_03
## ap46_04                              a46_04
## ap46_05                              a46_05
## ap47_01                              a47_01
## ap47_02                              a47_02
## ap47_03                              a47_03
## ap47_04                              a47_04
## ap47_05                              a47_05
## ap47_06                              a47_06
## ap47_07                              a47_07
## ap47_08                              a47_08
## ap47_09                              a47_09
## ap47_10                              a47_10
## ap47_11                              a47_11
## ap47_12                              a47_12
## ap48_a                               ap48_a
## ap48_b                               ap48_b
## ap48_c                               ap48_c
## ap48_d                               ap48_d
## ap48_e                               ap48_e
## ap48_f                               ap48_f
## ap48_g                               ap48_g
## ap48_h                               ap48_h
## ap48_i                               ap48_i
## ap49_01                              a49_01
## ap49_02                              a49_02
## ap50_01                              a50_01
## ap50_02                              a50_02
## ap50_03                              a50_03
## ap50_04                              a50_04
## ap50_05                              a50_05
## ap51_01                              a51_01
## ap51_02                              a51_02
## ap51_03                              a51_03
## ap51_04                              a51_04
## ap51_05                              a51_05
## ap51_06                              a51_06
## ap51_07                              a51_07
## ap51_08                              a51_08
## ap51_09                              a51_09
## ap51_10                               a51_1
## isocioa                                  is
## repitencia_dicotomica                     r
## jardín                                    j
## ap37_dicotomica                     ap37_dc
## ap29_01.dico                        a29_01.
## ap29_02.dico                        a29_02.
## ap29_03.dico                        a29_03.
## ap29_04.dico                        a29_04.
## ap29_05.dico                        a29_05.
## ap29_06.dico                        a29_06.
## ap29_07.dico                        a29_07.
## ap26_rec                               a26_
## trabaja_fuera_hogar                    tr__
## trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado         t___
## migración                                mg
## edadA_junio2019                           e
## sobreedad                                sb
## iinfraestructura                         in
## ap42_01rec                         ap42_01r
## ap42_02rec                         ap42_02r
## ap42_03rec                         ap42_03r
## ap42_04rec                         ap42_04r
subsets(leaps1, statistic="cp", xlim=c(-100,120), legend = FALSE)
## Warning in abbreviate(object$xnames, minlength = abbrev): abbreviate used with
## non-ASCII chars

## Warning in abbreviate(object$xnames, minlength = abbrev): abbreviate used with
## non-ASCII chars

##                                Abbreviation
## mdesemp                                  md
## sector                                   sc
## ambito                                   am
## ap01_01                              a01_01
## ap01_02                              a01_02
## gender                                    g
## ap03                                    a03
## ap04                                    a04
## ap05                                    a05
## ap06                                    a06
## ap07                                    a07
## ap08_a                               ap08_a
## ap08_b                               ap08_b
## ap08_c                               ap08_c
## ap08_d                               ap08_d
## ap08_e                               ap08_e
## ap08_f                               ap08_f
## ap08_g                               ap08_g
## ap08_h                               ap08_h
## ap08_i                               ap08_i
## ap09                                    a09
## ap10                                    a10
## ap11_01                              a11_01
## ap11_02                              a11_02
## ap11_03                              a11_03
## ap11_04                              a11_04
## ap11_05                              a11_05
## ap11_06                              a11_06
## ap11_07                              a11_07
## ap11_08                              a11_08
## ap12                                    a12
## ap13                                    a13
## ap14_01                              a14_01
## ap14_02                              a14_02
## ap15                                    a15
## ap16                                    a16
## ap17                                    a17
## ap18_01                              a18_01
## ap18_02                              a18_02
## ap18_03                              a18_03
## ap19                                    a19
## ap21                                    a21
## ap22                                    a22
## ap23_01                              a23_01
## ap23_02                              a23_02
## ap23_03                              a23_03
## ap23_04                              a23_04
## ap23_05                              a23_05
## ap23_06                              a23_06
## ap24                                    a24
## ap25_01                              a25_01
## ap25_02                              a25_02
## ap25_03                              a25_03
## ap26                                   ap26
## ap27_a                               ap27_a
## ap27_b                               ap27_b
## ap27_c                               ap27_c
## ap27_d                               ap27_d
## ap27_e                               ap27_e
## ap27_f                               ap27_f
## ap28_01                              a28_01
## ap28_02                              a28_02
## ap28_03                              a28_03
## ap28_04                              a28_04
## ap29_01                             ap29_01
## ap29_02                             ap29_02
## ap29_03                             ap29_03
## ap29_04                             ap29_04
## ap29_05                             ap29_05
## ap29_06                             ap29_06
## ap29_07                             ap29_07
## ap30                                    a30
## ap31_01                              a31_01
## ap31_02                              a31_02
## ap31_03                              a31_03
## ap31_04                              a31_04
## ap31_05                              a31_05
## ap31_06                              a31_06
## ap32_a                               ap32_a
## ap32_b                               ap32_b
## ap32_c                               ap32_c
## ap32_d                               ap32_d
## ap32_e                               ap32_e
## ap32_f                               ap32_f
## ap33_01_a                         ap33_01_a
## ap33_02_a                         ap33_02_a
## ap33_03_a                         ap33_03_a
## ap33_04_a                         ap33_04_a
## ap33_01_b                         ap33_01_b
## ap33_02_b                         ap33_02_b
## ap33_03_b                         ap33_03_b
## ap33_04_b                         ap33_04_b
## ap33_01bis                          ap33_01
## ap33_02bis                          ap33_02
## ap33_03bis                          ap33_03
## ap33_04bis                          ap33_04
## ap33_05bis                           a33_05
## ap33_06bis                           a33_06
## ap33_07bis                           a33_07
## ap33_08bis                           a33_08
## ap33_09bis                           a33_09
## ap33_10bis                           a33_10
## ap33_11bis                           a33_11
## ap34                                    a34
## ap35_01                              a35_01
## ap35_02                              a35_02
## ap35_03                              a35_03
## ap35_04                              a35_04
## ap35_05                              a35_05
## ap36_a                               ap36_a
## ap36_b                               ap36_b
## ap36_c                               ap36_c
## ap36_d                               ap36_d
## ap36_e                               ap36_e
## ap36_f                               ap36_f
## ap37_a                               ap37_a
## ap37_b                               ap37_b
## ap37_c                               ap37_c
## ap37_d                               ap37_d
## ap37_e                               ap37_e
## ap37_f                               ap37_f
## ap37_g                               ap37_g
## ap37_h                               ap37_h
## ap37_i                               ap37_i
## ap37_j                               ap37_j
## ap37_k                               ap37_k
## ap37_l                               ap37_l
## ap37_m                               ap37_m
## ap37_n                               ap37_n
## ap38_a                               ap38_a
## ap38_b                               ap38_b
## ap38_c                               ap38_c
## ap38_d                               ap38_d
## ap38_e                               ap38_e
## ap38_f                               ap38_f
## ap38_g                               ap38_g
## ap38_h                               ap38_h
## ap38_i                               ap38_i
## ap38_j                               ap38_j
## ap38_k                               ap38_k
## ap38_l                               ap38_l
## ap38_m                               ap38_m
## ap38_n                               ap38_n
## ap39_01                              a39_01
## ap39_02                              a39_02
## ap39_03                              a39_03
## ap39_04                              a39_04
## ap40_01                              a40_01
## ap40_02                              a40_02
## ap40_03                              a40_03
## ap40_04                              a40_04
## ap40_05                              a40_05
## ap40_06                              a40_06
## ap41_01                              a41_01
## ap41_02                              a41_02
## ap41_03                              a41_03
## ap41_04                              a41_04
## ap41_05                              a41_05
## ap41_06                              a41_06
## ap41_07                              a41_07
## ap41_08                              a41_08
## ap41_09                              a41_09
## ap41_10                              a41_10
## ap41_11                              a41_11
## ap42_01                             ap42_01
## ap42_02                             ap42_02
## ap42_03                             ap42_03
## ap42_04                             ap42_04
## ap43_a                               ap43_a
## ap43_b                               ap43_b
## ap43_c                               ap43_c
## ap43_d                               ap43_d
## ap43_e                               ap43_e
## ap43_f                               ap43_f
## ap43_g                               ap43_g
## ap43_h                               ap43_h
## ap44_01                              a44_01
## ap44_02                              a44_02
## ap44_03                              a44_03
## ap44_04                              a44_04
## ap44_05                              a44_05
## ap45                                    a45
## ap46_01                              a46_01
## ap46_02                              a46_02
## ap46_03                              a46_03
## ap46_04                              a46_04
## ap46_05                              a46_05
## ap47_01                              a47_01
## ap47_02                              a47_02
## ap47_03                              a47_03
## ap47_04                              a47_04
## ap47_05                              a47_05
## ap47_06                              a47_06
## ap47_07                              a47_07
## ap47_08                              a47_08
## ap47_09                              a47_09
## ap47_10                              a47_10
## ap47_11                              a47_11
## ap47_12                              a47_12
## ap48_a                               ap48_a
## ap48_b                               ap48_b
## ap48_c                               ap48_c
## ap48_d                               ap48_d
## ap48_e                               ap48_e
## ap48_f                               ap48_f
## ap48_g                               ap48_g
## ap48_h                               ap48_h
## ap48_i                               ap48_i
## ap49_01                              a49_01
## ap49_02                              a49_02
## ap50_01                              a50_01
## ap50_02                              a50_02
## ap50_03                              a50_03
## ap50_04                              a50_04
## ap50_05                              a50_05
## ap51_01                              a51_01
## ap51_02                              a51_02
## ap51_03                              a51_03
## ap51_04                              a51_04
## ap51_05                              a51_05
## ap51_06                              a51_06
## ap51_07                              a51_07
## ap51_08                              a51_08
## ap51_09                              a51_09
## ap51_10                               a51_1
## isocioa                                  is
## repitencia_dicotomica                     r
## jardín                                    j
## ap37_dicotomica                     ap37_dc
## ap29_01.dico                        a29_01.
## ap29_02.dico                        a29_02.
## ap29_03.dico                        a29_03.
## ap29_04.dico                        a29_04.
## ap29_05.dico                        a29_05.
## ap29_06.dico                        a29_06.
## ap29_07.dico                        a29_07.
## ap26_rec                               a26_
## trabaja_fuera_hogar                    tr__
## trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado         t___
## migración                                mg
## edadA_junio2019                           e
## sobreedad                                sb
## iinfraestructura                         in
## ap42_01rec                         ap42_01r
## ap42_02rec                         ap42_02r
## ap42_03rec                         ap42_03r
## ap42_04rec                         ap42_04r
subsets(leaps1, statistic="adjr2", xlim=c(-100,100), legend=FALSE)
## Warning in abbreviate(object$xnames, minlength = abbrev): abbreviate used with
## non-ASCII chars

## Warning in abbreviate(object$xnames, minlength = abbrev): abbreviate used with
## non-ASCII chars

##                                Abbreviation
## mdesemp                                  md
## sector                                   sc
## ambito                                   am
## ap01_01                              a01_01
## ap01_02                              a01_02
## gender                                    g
## ap03                                    a03
## ap04                                    a04
## ap05                                    a05
## ap06                                    a06
## ap07                                    a07
## ap08_a                               ap08_a
## ap08_b                               ap08_b
## ap08_c                               ap08_c
## ap08_d                               ap08_d
## ap08_e                               ap08_e
## ap08_f                               ap08_f
## ap08_g                               ap08_g
## ap08_h                               ap08_h
## ap08_i                               ap08_i
## ap09                                    a09
## ap10                                    a10
## ap11_01                              a11_01
## ap11_02                              a11_02
## ap11_03                              a11_03
## ap11_04                              a11_04
## ap11_05                              a11_05
## ap11_06                              a11_06
## ap11_07                              a11_07
## ap11_08                              a11_08
## ap12                                    a12
## ap13                                    a13
## ap14_01                              a14_01
## ap14_02                              a14_02
## ap15                                    a15
## ap16                                    a16
## ap17                                    a17
## ap18_01                              a18_01
## ap18_02                              a18_02
## ap18_03                              a18_03
## ap19                                    a19
## ap21                                    a21
## ap22                                    a22
## ap23_01                              a23_01
## ap23_02                              a23_02
## ap23_03                              a23_03
## ap23_04                              a23_04
## ap23_05                              a23_05
## ap23_06                              a23_06
## ap24                                    a24
## ap25_01                              a25_01
## ap25_02                              a25_02
## ap25_03                              a25_03
## ap26                                   ap26
## ap27_a                               ap27_a
## ap27_b                               ap27_b
## ap27_c                               ap27_c
## ap27_d                               ap27_d
## ap27_e                               ap27_e
## ap27_f                               ap27_f
## ap28_01                              a28_01
## ap28_02                              a28_02
## ap28_03                              a28_03
## ap28_04                              a28_04
## ap29_01                             ap29_01
## ap29_02                             ap29_02
## ap29_03                             ap29_03
## ap29_04                             ap29_04
## ap29_05                             ap29_05
## ap29_06                             ap29_06
## ap29_07                             ap29_07
## ap30                                    a30
## ap31_01                              a31_01
## ap31_02                              a31_02
## ap31_03                              a31_03
## ap31_04                              a31_04
## ap31_05                              a31_05
## ap31_06                              a31_06
## ap32_a                               ap32_a
## ap32_b                               ap32_b
## ap32_c                               ap32_c
## ap32_d                               ap32_d
## ap32_e                               ap32_e
## ap32_f                               ap32_f
## ap33_01_a                         ap33_01_a
## ap33_02_a                         ap33_02_a
## ap33_03_a                         ap33_03_a
## ap33_04_a                         ap33_04_a
## ap33_01_b                         ap33_01_b
## ap33_02_b                         ap33_02_b
## ap33_03_b                         ap33_03_b
## ap33_04_b                         ap33_04_b
## ap33_01bis                          ap33_01
## ap33_02bis                          ap33_02
## ap33_03bis                          ap33_03
## ap33_04bis                          ap33_04
## ap33_05bis                           a33_05
## ap33_06bis                           a33_06
## ap33_07bis                           a33_07
## ap33_08bis                           a33_08
## ap33_09bis                           a33_09
## ap33_10bis                           a33_10
## ap33_11bis                           a33_11
## ap34                                    a34
## ap35_01                              a35_01
## ap35_02                              a35_02
## ap35_03                              a35_03
## ap35_04                              a35_04
## ap35_05                              a35_05
## ap36_a                               ap36_a
## ap36_b                               ap36_b
## ap36_c                               ap36_c
## ap36_d                               ap36_d
## ap36_e                               ap36_e
## ap36_f                               ap36_f
## ap37_a                               ap37_a
## ap37_b                               ap37_b
## ap37_c                               ap37_c
## ap37_d                               ap37_d
## ap37_e                               ap37_e
## ap37_f                               ap37_f
## ap37_g                               ap37_g
## ap37_h                               ap37_h
## ap37_i                               ap37_i
## ap37_j                               ap37_j
## ap37_k                               ap37_k
## ap37_l                               ap37_l
## ap37_m                               ap37_m
## ap37_n                               ap37_n
## ap38_a                               ap38_a
## ap38_b                               ap38_b
## ap38_c                               ap38_c
## ap38_d                               ap38_d
## ap38_e                               ap38_e
## ap38_f                               ap38_f
## ap38_g                               ap38_g
## ap38_h                               ap38_h
## ap38_i                               ap38_i
## ap38_j                               ap38_j
## ap38_k                               ap38_k
## ap38_l                               ap38_l
## ap38_m                               ap38_m
## ap38_n                               ap38_n
## ap39_01                              a39_01
## ap39_02                              a39_02
## ap39_03                              a39_03
## ap39_04                              a39_04
## ap40_01                              a40_01
## ap40_02                              a40_02
## ap40_03                              a40_03
## ap40_04                              a40_04
## ap40_05                              a40_05
## ap40_06                              a40_06
## ap41_01                              a41_01
## ap41_02                              a41_02
## ap41_03                              a41_03
## ap41_04                              a41_04
## ap41_05                              a41_05
## ap41_06                              a41_06
## ap41_07                              a41_07
## ap41_08                              a41_08
## ap41_09                              a41_09
## ap41_10                              a41_10
## ap41_11                              a41_11
## ap42_01                             ap42_01
## ap42_02                             ap42_02
## ap42_03                             ap42_03
## ap42_04                             ap42_04
## ap43_a                               ap43_a
## ap43_b                               ap43_b
## ap43_c                               ap43_c
## ap43_d                               ap43_d
## ap43_e                               ap43_e
## ap43_f                               ap43_f
## ap43_g                               ap43_g
## ap43_h                               ap43_h
## ap44_01                              a44_01
## ap44_02                              a44_02
## ap44_03                              a44_03
## ap44_04                              a44_04
## ap44_05                              a44_05
## ap45                                    a45
## ap46_01                              a46_01
## ap46_02                              a46_02
## ap46_03                              a46_03
## ap46_04                              a46_04
## ap46_05                              a46_05
## ap47_01                              a47_01
## ap47_02                              a47_02
## ap47_03                              a47_03
## ap47_04                              a47_04
## ap47_05                              a47_05
## ap47_06                              a47_06
## ap47_07                              a47_07
## ap47_08                              a47_08
## ap47_09                              a47_09
## ap47_10                              a47_10
## ap47_11                              a47_11
## ap47_12                              a47_12
## ap48_a                               ap48_a
## ap48_b                               ap48_b
## ap48_c                               ap48_c
## ap48_d                               ap48_d
## ap48_e                               ap48_e
## ap48_f                               ap48_f
## ap48_g                               ap48_g
## ap48_h                               ap48_h
## ap48_i                               ap48_i
## ap49_01                              a49_01
## ap49_02                              a49_02
## ap50_01                              a50_01
## ap50_02                              a50_02
## ap50_03                              a50_03
## ap50_04                              a50_04
## ap50_05                              a50_05
## ap51_01                              a51_01
## ap51_02                              a51_02
## ap51_03                              a51_03
## ap51_04                              a51_04
## ap51_05                              a51_05
## ap51_06                              a51_06
## ap51_07                              a51_07
## ap51_08                              a51_08
## ap51_09                              a51_09
## ap51_10                               a51_1
## isocioa                                  is
## repitencia_dicotomica                     r
## jardín                                    j
## ap37_dicotomica                     ap37_dc
## ap29_01.dico                        a29_01.
## ap29_02.dico                        a29_02.
## ap29_03.dico                        a29_03.
## ap29_04.dico                        a29_04.
## ap29_05.dico                        a29_05.
## ap29_06.dico                        a29_06.
## ap29_07.dico                        a29_07.
## ap26_rec                               a26_
## trabaja_fuera_hogar                    tr__
## trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado         t___
## migración                                mg
## edadA_junio2019                           e
## sobreedad                                sb
## iinfraestructura                         in
## ap42_01rec                         ap42_01r
## ap42_02rec                         ap42_02r
## ap42_03rec                         ap42_03r
## ap42_04rec                         ap42_04r

According to the graphs above, and following the codebook, the 5 best predictors for language performance are:

  • mdesemp= Math performance
  • ap22= Do you receive payment for the job you do outside your home?
  • a39_01= How difficult are the following activities for you? Understanding a text
  • isocioa= Student’s socio-economical index
  • sobreedad= Extra age

How many predictors are the optimal number when predicting math performance?

leaps_summary2 <- summary(leaps2)

data_frame(Cp = leaps_summary2$cp,
           BIC = leaps_summary2$bic,
           AdjR2 = leaps_summary2$adjr2) %>%
        mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
        gather(value_type, value, -id) %>%
        ggplot(aes(id, value, col = value_type)) +
        geom_line() + geom_point() + ylab('') + xlab('Number of Variables Used') +
        facet_wrap(~ value_type, scales = 'free') + scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10)

8 seems to be the better number of predictors for the model when predicting math performance: 8 predictors have the highest AdjR2 and the lowest BIC and Cp.

Plot statistics by subset size (bic, cp, adjr2) when predicting math performance

subsets(leaps2, statistic="bic", xlim=c(-100,120), ylim=c(-13500,-9300), legend = FALSE)
## Warning in abbreviate(object$xnames, minlength = abbrev): abbreviate used with
## non-ASCII chars

##                                Abbreviation
## ldesemp                                   l
## sector                                   sc
## ambito                                   am
## ap01_01                              a01_01
## ap01_02                              a01_02
## gender                                    g
## ap03                                    a03
## ap04                                    a04
## ap05                                    a05
## ap06                                    a06
## ap07                                    a07
## ap08_a                               ap08_a
## ap08_b                               ap08_b
## ap08_c                               ap08_c
## ap08_d                               ap08_d
## ap08_e                               ap08_e
## ap08_f                               ap08_f
## ap08_g                               ap08_g
## ap08_h                               ap08_h
## ap08_i                               ap08_i
## ap09                                    a09
## ap10                                    a10
## ap11_01                              a11_01
## ap11_02                              a11_02
## ap11_03                              a11_03
## ap11_04                              a11_04
## ap11_05                              a11_05
## ap11_06                              a11_06
## ap11_07                              a11_07
## ap11_08                              a11_08
## ap12                                    a12
## ap13                                    a13
## ap14_01                              a14_01
## ap14_02                              a14_02
## ap15                                    a15
## ap16                                    a16
## ap17                                    a17
## ap18_01                              a18_01
## ap18_02                              a18_02
## ap18_03                              a18_03
## ap19                                    a19
## ap21                                    a21
## ap22                                    a22
## ap23_01                              a23_01
## ap23_02                              a23_02
## ap23_03                              a23_03
## ap23_04                              a23_04
## ap23_05                              a23_05
## ap23_06                              a23_06
## ap24                                    a24
## ap25_01                              a25_01
## ap25_02                              a25_02
## ap25_03                              a25_03
## ap26                                   ap26
## ap27_a                               ap27_a
## ap27_b                               ap27_b
## ap27_c                               ap27_c
## ap27_d                               ap27_d
## ap27_e                               ap27_e
## ap27_f                               ap27_f
## ap28_01                              a28_01
## ap28_02                              a28_02
## ap28_03                              a28_03
## ap28_04                              a28_04
## ap29_01                             ap29_01
## ap29_02                             ap29_02
## ap29_03                             ap29_03
## ap29_04                             ap29_04
## ap29_05                             ap29_05
## ap29_06                             ap29_06
## ap29_07                             ap29_07
## ap30                                    a30
## ap31_01                              a31_01
## ap31_02                              a31_02
## ap31_03                              a31_03
## ap31_04                              a31_04
## ap31_05                              a31_05
## ap31_06                              a31_06
## ap32_a                               ap32_a
## ap32_b                               ap32_b
## ap32_c                               ap32_c
## ap32_d                               ap32_d
## ap32_e                               ap32_e
## ap32_f                               ap32_f
## ap33_01_a                         ap33_01_a
## ap33_02_a                         ap33_02_a
## ap33_03_a                         ap33_03_a
## ap33_04_a                         ap33_04_a
## ap33_01_b                         ap33_01_b
## ap33_02_b                         ap33_02_b
## ap33_03_b                         ap33_03_b
## ap33_04_b                         ap33_04_b
## ap33_01bis                          ap33_01
## ap33_02bis                          ap33_02
## ap33_03bis                          ap33_03
## ap33_04bis                          ap33_04
## ap33_05bis                           a33_05
## ap33_06bis                           a33_06
## ap33_07bis                           a33_07
## ap33_08bis                           a33_08
## ap33_09bis                           a33_09
## ap33_10bis                           a33_10
## ap33_11bis                           a33_11
## ap34                                    a34
## ap35_01                              a35_01
## ap35_02                              a35_02
## ap35_03                              a35_03
## ap35_04                              a35_04
## ap35_05                              a35_05
## ap36_a                               ap36_a
## ap36_b                               ap36_b
## ap36_c                               ap36_c
## ap36_d                               ap36_d
## ap36_e                               ap36_e
## ap36_f                               ap36_f
## ap37_a                               ap37_a
## ap37_b                               ap37_b
## ap37_c                               ap37_c
## ap37_d                               ap37_d
## ap37_e                               ap37_e
## ap37_f                               ap37_f
## ap37_g                               ap37_g
## ap37_h                               ap37_h
## ap37_i                               ap37_i
## ap37_j                               ap37_j
## ap37_k                               ap37_k
## ap37_l                               ap37_l
## ap37_m                               ap37_m
## ap37_n                               ap37_n
## ap38_a                               ap38_a
## ap38_b                               ap38_b
## ap38_c                               ap38_c
## ap38_d                               ap38_d
## ap38_e                               ap38_e
## ap38_f                               ap38_f
## ap38_g                               ap38_g
## ap38_h                               ap38_h
## ap38_i                               ap38_i
## ap38_j                               ap38_j
## ap38_k                               ap38_k
## ap38_l                               ap38_l
## ap38_m                               ap38_m
## ap38_n                               ap38_n
## ap39_01                              a39_01
## ap39_02                              a39_02
## ap39_03                              a39_03
## ap39_04                              a39_04
## ap40_01                              a40_01
## ap40_02                              a40_02
## ap40_03                              a40_03
## ap40_04                              a40_04
## ap40_05                              a40_05
## ap40_06                              a40_06
## ap41_01                              a41_01
## ap41_02                              a41_02
## ap41_03                              a41_03
## ap41_04                              a41_04
## ap41_05                              a41_05
## ap41_06                              a41_06
## ap41_07                              a41_07
## ap41_08                              a41_08
## ap41_09                              a41_09
## ap41_10                              a41_10
## ap41_11                              a41_11
## ap42_01                             ap42_01
## ap42_02                             ap42_02
## ap42_03                             ap42_03
## ap42_04                             ap42_04
## ap43_a                               ap43_a
## ap43_b                               ap43_b
## ap43_c                               ap43_c
## ap43_d                               ap43_d
## ap43_e                               ap43_e
## ap43_f                               ap43_f
## ap43_g                               ap43_g
## ap43_h                               ap43_h
## ap44_01                              a44_01
## ap44_02                              a44_02
## ap44_03                              a44_03
## ap44_04                              a44_04
## ap44_05                              a44_05
## ap45                                    a45
## ap46_01                              a46_01
## ap46_02                              a46_02
## ap46_03                              a46_03
## ap46_04                              a46_04
## ap46_05                              a46_05
## ap47_01                              a47_01
## ap47_02                              a47_02
## ap47_03                              a47_03
## ap47_04                              a47_04
## ap47_05                              a47_05
## ap47_06                              a47_06
## ap47_07                              a47_07
## ap47_08                              a47_08
## ap47_09                              a47_09
## ap47_10                              a47_10
## ap47_11                              a47_11
## ap47_12                              a47_12
## ap48_a                               ap48_a
## ap48_b                               ap48_b
## ap48_c                               ap48_c
## ap48_d                               ap48_d
## ap48_e                               ap48_e
## ap48_f                               ap48_f
## ap48_g                               ap48_g
## ap48_h                               ap48_h
## ap48_i                               ap48_i
## ap49_01                              a49_01
## ap49_02                              a49_02
## ap50_01                              a50_01
## ap50_02                              a50_02
## ap50_03                              a50_03
## ap50_04                              a50_04
## ap50_05                              a50_05
## ap51_01                              a51_01
## ap51_02                              a51_02
## ap51_03                              a51_03
## ap51_04                              a51_04
## ap51_05                              a51_05
## ap51_06                              a51_06
## ap51_07                              a51_07
## ap51_08                              a51_08
## ap51_09                              a51_09
## ap51_10                               a51_1
## isocioa                                  is
## repitencia_dicotomica                     r
## jardín                                    j
## ap37_dicotomica                     ap37_dc
## ap29_01.dico                        a29_01.
## ap29_02.dico                        a29_02.
## ap29_03.dico                        a29_03.
## ap29_04.dico                        a29_04.
## ap29_05.dico                        a29_05.
## ap29_06.dico                        a29_06.
## ap29_07.dico                        a29_07.
## ap26_rec                               a26_
## trabaja_fuera_hogar                    tr__
## trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado         t___
## migración                                 m
## edadA_junio2019                           e
## sobreedad                                sb
## iinfraestructura                         in
## ap42_01rec                         ap42_01r
## ap42_02rec                         ap42_02r
## ap42_03rec                         ap42_03r
## ap42_04rec                         ap42_04r
subsets(leaps2, statistic="cp", xlim=c(-100,120), legend = FALSE)
## Warning in abbreviate(object$xnames, minlength = abbrev): abbreviate used with
## non-ASCII chars

##                                Abbreviation
## ldesemp                                   l
## sector                                   sc
## ambito                                   am
## ap01_01                              a01_01
## ap01_02                              a01_02
## gender                                    g
## ap03                                    a03
## ap04                                    a04
## ap05                                    a05
## ap06                                    a06
## ap07                                    a07
## ap08_a                               ap08_a
## ap08_b                               ap08_b
## ap08_c                               ap08_c
## ap08_d                               ap08_d
## ap08_e                               ap08_e
## ap08_f                               ap08_f
## ap08_g                               ap08_g
## ap08_h                               ap08_h
## ap08_i                               ap08_i
## ap09                                    a09
## ap10                                    a10
## ap11_01                              a11_01
## ap11_02                              a11_02
## ap11_03                              a11_03
## ap11_04                              a11_04
## ap11_05                              a11_05
## ap11_06                              a11_06
## ap11_07                              a11_07
## ap11_08                              a11_08
## ap12                                    a12
## ap13                                    a13
## ap14_01                              a14_01
## ap14_02                              a14_02
## ap15                                    a15
## ap16                                    a16
## ap17                                    a17
## ap18_01                              a18_01
## ap18_02                              a18_02
## ap18_03                              a18_03
## ap19                                    a19
## ap21                                    a21
## ap22                                    a22
## ap23_01                              a23_01
## ap23_02                              a23_02
## ap23_03                              a23_03
## ap23_04                              a23_04
## ap23_05                              a23_05
## ap23_06                              a23_06
## ap24                                    a24
## ap25_01                              a25_01
## ap25_02                              a25_02
## ap25_03                              a25_03
## ap26                                   ap26
## ap27_a                               ap27_a
## ap27_b                               ap27_b
## ap27_c                               ap27_c
## ap27_d                               ap27_d
## ap27_e                               ap27_e
## ap27_f                               ap27_f
## ap28_01                              a28_01
## ap28_02                              a28_02
## ap28_03                              a28_03
## ap28_04                              a28_04
## ap29_01                             ap29_01
## ap29_02                             ap29_02
## ap29_03                             ap29_03
## ap29_04                             ap29_04
## ap29_05                             ap29_05
## ap29_06                             ap29_06
## ap29_07                             ap29_07
## ap30                                    a30
## ap31_01                              a31_01
## ap31_02                              a31_02
## ap31_03                              a31_03
## ap31_04                              a31_04
## ap31_05                              a31_05
## ap31_06                              a31_06
## ap32_a                               ap32_a
## ap32_b                               ap32_b
## ap32_c                               ap32_c
## ap32_d                               ap32_d
## ap32_e                               ap32_e
## ap32_f                               ap32_f
## ap33_01_a                         ap33_01_a
## ap33_02_a                         ap33_02_a
## ap33_03_a                         ap33_03_a
## ap33_04_a                         ap33_04_a
## ap33_01_b                         ap33_01_b
## ap33_02_b                         ap33_02_b
## ap33_03_b                         ap33_03_b
## ap33_04_b                         ap33_04_b
## ap33_01bis                          ap33_01
## ap33_02bis                          ap33_02
## ap33_03bis                          ap33_03
## ap33_04bis                          ap33_04
## ap33_05bis                           a33_05
## ap33_06bis                           a33_06
## ap33_07bis                           a33_07
## ap33_08bis                           a33_08
## ap33_09bis                           a33_09
## ap33_10bis                           a33_10
## ap33_11bis                           a33_11
## ap34                                    a34
## ap35_01                              a35_01
## ap35_02                              a35_02
## ap35_03                              a35_03
## ap35_04                              a35_04
## ap35_05                              a35_05
## ap36_a                               ap36_a
## ap36_b                               ap36_b
## ap36_c                               ap36_c
## ap36_d                               ap36_d
## ap36_e                               ap36_e
## ap36_f                               ap36_f
## ap37_a                               ap37_a
## ap37_b                               ap37_b
## ap37_c                               ap37_c
## ap37_d                               ap37_d
## ap37_e                               ap37_e
## ap37_f                               ap37_f
## ap37_g                               ap37_g
## ap37_h                               ap37_h
## ap37_i                               ap37_i
## ap37_j                               ap37_j
## ap37_k                               ap37_k
## ap37_l                               ap37_l
## ap37_m                               ap37_m
## ap37_n                               ap37_n
## ap38_a                               ap38_a
## ap38_b                               ap38_b
## ap38_c                               ap38_c
## ap38_d                               ap38_d
## ap38_e                               ap38_e
## ap38_f                               ap38_f
## ap38_g                               ap38_g
## ap38_h                               ap38_h
## ap38_i                               ap38_i
## ap38_j                               ap38_j
## ap38_k                               ap38_k
## ap38_l                               ap38_l
## ap38_m                               ap38_m
## ap38_n                               ap38_n
## ap39_01                              a39_01
## ap39_02                              a39_02
## ap39_03                              a39_03
## ap39_04                              a39_04
## ap40_01                              a40_01
## ap40_02                              a40_02
## ap40_03                              a40_03
## ap40_04                              a40_04
## ap40_05                              a40_05
## ap40_06                              a40_06
## ap41_01                              a41_01
## ap41_02                              a41_02
## ap41_03                              a41_03
## ap41_04                              a41_04
## ap41_05                              a41_05
## ap41_06                              a41_06
## ap41_07                              a41_07
## ap41_08                              a41_08
## ap41_09                              a41_09
## ap41_10                              a41_10
## ap41_11                              a41_11
## ap42_01                             ap42_01
## ap42_02                             ap42_02
## ap42_03                             ap42_03
## ap42_04                             ap42_04
## ap43_a                               ap43_a
## ap43_b                               ap43_b
## ap43_c                               ap43_c
## ap43_d                               ap43_d
## ap43_e                               ap43_e
## ap43_f                               ap43_f
## ap43_g                               ap43_g
## ap43_h                               ap43_h
## ap44_01                              a44_01
## ap44_02                              a44_02
## ap44_03                              a44_03
## ap44_04                              a44_04
## ap44_05                              a44_05
## ap45                                    a45
## ap46_01                              a46_01
## ap46_02                              a46_02
## ap46_03                              a46_03
## ap46_04                              a46_04
## ap46_05                              a46_05
## ap47_01                              a47_01
## ap47_02                              a47_02
## ap47_03                              a47_03
## ap47_04                              a47_04
## ap47_05                              a47_05
## ap47_06                              a47_06
## ap47_07                              a47_07
## ap47_08                              a47_08
## ap47_09                              a47_09
## ap47_10                              a47_10
## ap47_11                              a47_11
## ap47_12                              a47_12
## ap48_a                               ap48_a
## ap48_b                               ap48_b
## ap48_c                               ap48_c
## ap48_d                               ap48_d
## ap48_e                               ap48_e
## ap48_f                               ap48_f
## ap48_g                               ap48_g
## ap48_h                               ap48_h
## ap48_i                               ap48_i
## ap49_01                              a49_01
## ap49_02                              a49_02
## ap50_01                              a50_01
## ap50_02                              a50_02
## ap50_03                              a50_03
## ap50_04                              a50_04
## ap50_05                              a50_05
## ap51_01                              a51_01
## ap51_02                              a51_02
## ap51_03                              a51_03
## ap51_04                              a51_04
## ap51_05                              a51_05
## ap51_06                              a51_06
## ap51_07                              a51_07
## ap51_08                              a51_08
## ap51_09                              a51_09
## ap51_10                               a51_1
## isocioa                                  is
## repitencia_dicotomica                     r
## jardín                                    j
## ap37_dicotomica                     ap37_dc
## ap29_01.dico                        a29_01.
## ap29_02.dico                        a29_02.
## ap29_03.dico                        a29_03.
## ap29_04.dico                        a29_04.
## ap29_05.dico                        a29_05.
## ap29_06.dico                        a29_06.
## ap29_07.dico                        a29_07.
## ap26_rec                               a26_
## trabaja_fuera_hogar                    tr__
## trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado         t___
## migración                                 m
## edadA_junio2019                           e
## sobreedad                                sb
## iinfraestructura                         in
## ap42_01rec                         ap42_01r
## ap42_02rec                         ap42_02r
## ap42_03rec                         ap42_03r
## ap42_04rec                         ap42_04r
subsets(leaps2, statistic="adjr2", xlim=c(-100,100), legend=FALSE)
## Warning in abbreviate(object$xnames, minlength = abbrev): abbreviate used with
## non-ASCII chars

##                                Abbreviation
## ldesemp                                   l
## sector                                   sc
## ambito                                   am
## ap01_01                              a01_01
## ap01_02                              a01_02
## gender                                    g
## ap03                                    a03
## ap04                                    a04
## ap05                                    a05
## ap06                                    a06
## ap07                                    a07
## ap08_a                               ap08_a
## ap08_b                               ap08_b
## ap08_c                               ap08_c
## ap08_d                               ap08_d
## ap08_e                               ap08_e
## ap08_f                               ap08_f
## ap08_g                               ap08_g
## ap08_h                               ap08_h
## ap08_i                               ap08_i
## ap09                                    a09
## ap10                                    a10
## ap11_01                              a11_01
## ap11_02                              a11_02
## ap11_03                              a11_03
## ap11_04                              a11_04
## ap11_05                              a11_05
## ap11_06                              a11_06
## ap11_07                              a11_07
## ap11_08                              a11_08
## ap12                                    a12
## ap13                                    a13
## ap14_01                              a14_01
## ap14_02                              a14_02
## ap15                                    a15
## ap16                                    a16
## ap17                                    a17
## ap18_01                              a18_01
## ap18_02                              a18_02
## ap18_03                              a18_03
## ap19                                    a19
## ap21                                    a21
## ap22                                    a22
## ap23_01                              a23_01
## ap23_02                              a23_02
## ap23_03                              a23_03
## ap23_04                              a23_04
## ap23_05                              a23_05
## ap23_06                              a23_06
## ap24                                    a24
## ap25_01                              a25_01
## ap25_02                              a25_02
## ap25_03                              a25_03
## ap26                                   ap26
## ap27_a                               ap27_a
## ap27_b                               ap27_b
## ap27_c                               ap27_c
## ap27_d                               ap27_d
## ap27_e                               ap27_e
## ap27_f                               ap27_f
## ap28_01                              a28_01
## ap28_02                              a28_02
## ap28_03                              a28_03
## ap28_04                              a28_04
## ap29_01                             ap29_01
## ap29_02                             ap29_02
## ap29_03                             ap29_03
## ap29_04                             ap29_04
## ap29_05                             ap29_05
## ap29_06                             ap29_06
## ap29_07                             ap29_07
## ap30                                    a30
## ap31_01                              a31_01
## ap31_02                              a31_02
## ap31_03                              a31_03
## ap31_04                              a31_04
## ap31_05                              a31_05
## ap31_06                              a31_06
## ap32_a                               ap32_a
## ap32_b                               ap32_b
## ap32_c                               ap32_c
## ap32_d                               ap32_d
## ap32_e                               ap32_e
## ap32_f                               ap32_f
## ap33_01_a                         ap33_01_a
## ap33_02_a                         ap33_02_a
## ap33_03_a                         ap33_03_a
## ap33_04_a                         ap33_04_a
## ap33_01_b                         ap33_01_b
## ap33_02_b                         ap33_02_b
## ap33_03_b                         ap33_03_b
## ap33_04_b                         ap33_04_b
## ap33_01bis                          ap33_01
## ap33_02bis                          ap33_02
## ap33_03bis                          ap33_03
## ap33_04bis                          ap33_04
## ap33_05bis                           a33_05
## ap33_06bis                           a33_06
## ap33_07bis                           a33_07
## ap33_08bis                           a33_08
## ap33_09bis                           a33_09
## ap33_10bis                           a33_10
## ap33_11bis                           a33_11
## ap34                                    a34
## ap35_01                              a35_01
## ap35_02                              a35_02
## ap35_03                              a35_03
## ap35_04                              a35_04
## ap35_05                              a35_05
## ap36_a                               ap36_a
## ap36_b                               ap36_b
## ap36_c                               ap36_c
## ap36_d                               ap36_d
## ap36_e                               ap36_e
## ap36_f                               ap36_f
## ap37_a                               ap37_a
## ap37_b                               ap37_b
## ap37_c                               ap37_c
## ap37_d                               ap37_d
## ap37_e                               ap37_e
## ap37_f                               ap37_f
## ap37_g                               ap37_g
## ap37_h                               ap37_h
## ap37_i                               ap37_i
## ap37_j                               ap37_j
## ap37_k                               ap37_k
## ap37_l                               ap37_l
## ap37_m                               ap37_m
## ap37_n                               ap37_n
## ap38_a                               ap38_a
## ap38_b                               ap38_b
## ap38_c                               ap38_c
## ap38_d                               ap38_d
## ap38_e                               ap38_e
## ap38_f                               ap38_f
## ap38_g                               ap38_g
## ap38_h                               ap38_h
## ap38_i                               ap38_i
## ap38_j                               ap38_j
## ap38_k                               ap38_k
## ap38_l                               ap38_l
## ap38_m                               ap38_m
## ap38_n                               ap38_n
## ap39_01                              a39_01
## ap39_02                              a39_02
## ap39_03                              a39_03
## ap39_04                              a39_04
## ap40_01                              a40_01
## ap40_02                              a40_02
## ap40_03                              a40_03
## ap40_04                              a40_04
## ap40_05                              a40_05
## ap40_06                              a40_06
## ap41_01                              a41_01
## ap41_02                              a41_02
## ap41_03                              a41_03
## ap41_04                              a41_04
## ap41_05                              a41_05
## ap41_06                              a41_06
## ap41_07                              a41_07
## ap41_08                              a41_08
## ap41_09                              a41_09
## ap41_10                              a41_10
## ap41_11                              a41_11
## ap42_01                             ap42_01
## ap42_02                             ap42_02
## ap42_03                             ap42_03
## ap42_04                             ap42_04
## ap43_a                               ap43_a
## ap43_b                               ap43_b
## ap43_c                               ap43_c
## ap43_d                               ap43_d
## ap43_e                               ap43_e
## ap43_f                               ap43_f
## ap43_g                               ap43_g
## ap43_h                               ap43_h
## ap44_01                              a44_01
## ap44_02                              a44_02
## ap44_03                              a44_03
## ap44_04                              a44_04
## ap44_05                              a44_05
## ap45                                    a45
## ap46_01                              a46_01
## ap46_02                              a46_02
## ap46_03                              a46_03
## ap46_04                              a46_04
## ap46_05                              a46_05
## ap47_01                              a47_01
## ap47_02                              a47_02
## ap47_03                              a47_03
## ap47_04                              a47_04
## ap47_05                              a47_05
## ap47_06                              a47_06
## ap47_07                              a47_07
## ap47_08                              a47_08
## ap47_09                              a47_09
## ap47_10                              a47_10
## ap47_11                              a47_11
## ap47_12                              a47_12
## ap48_a                               ap48_a
## ap48_b                               ap48_b
## ap48_c                               ap48_c
## ap48_d                               ap48_d
## ap48_e                               ap48_e
## ap48_f                               ap48_f
## ap48_g                               ap48_g
## ap48_h                               ap48_h
## ap48_i                               ap48_i
## ap49_01                              a49_01
## ap49_02                              a49_02
## ap50_01                              a50_01
## ap50_02                              a50_02
## ap50_03                              a50_03
## ap50_04                              a50_04
## ap50_05                              a50_05
## ap51_01                              a51_01
## ap51_02                              a51_02
## ap51_03                              a51_03
## ap51_04                              a51_04
## ap51_05                              a51_05
## ap51_06                              a51_06
## ap51_07                              a51_07
## ap51_08                              a51_08
## ap51_09                              a51_09
## ap51_10                               a51_1
## isocioa                                  is
## repitencia_dicotomica                     r
## jardín                                    j
## ap37_dicotomica                     ap37_dc
## ap29_01.dico                        a29_01.
## ap29_02.dico                        a29_02.
## ap29_03.dico                        a29_03.
## ap29_04.dico                        a29_04.
## ap29_05.dico                        a29_05.
## ap29_06.dico                        a29_06.
## ap29_07.dico                        a29_07.
## ap26_rec                               a26_
## trabaja_fuera_hogar                    tr__
## trabaja_fuera_hogar_remunerado         t___
## migración                                 m
## edadA_junio2019                           e
## sobreedad                                sb
## iinfraestructura                         in
## ap42_01rec                         ap42_01r
## ap42_02rec                         ap42_02r
## ap42_03rec                         ap42_03r
## ap42_04rec                         ap42_04r

According to the graphs above, and following the codebook, the 7 best predictors for math performance are (one was deleted because it wasn’t conceptually relevant):

  • ldesemp= Language performance
  • sector= Sector (either public or private)
  • gender= Gender
  • ap26= Absenteeism. So far this year, how many times have you missed school?
  • ap39_02= How difficult do you find the following activities? Writing a text
  • ap40_01= To what extent do you agree with the following statements? I enjoy studying Mathematics
  • isocia= Student’s socio-economical index

Run multiple regressions according to the results obtained in subset selection

rightfit_lang=lm(ldesemp~ mdesemp + ap22 + ap39_01 +factor(isocioa) + sobreedad, data=mydata)
## Call:
## lm(formula = ldesemp ~ mdesemp + ap22 + ap39_01 + factor(isocioa) + 
##     sobreedad, data = mydata)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.91814 -0.40730  0.07649  0.62468  2.51955 
## Coefficients:
##                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)       1.4114056  0.0252469  55.904   <2e-16 ***
## mdesemp           0.4672318  0.0048366  96.603   <2e-16 ***
## ap22             -0.0185926  0.0008372 -22.207   <2e-16 ***
## ap39_01           0.0384708  0.0019996  19.239   <2e-16 ***
## factor(isocioa)1 -0.0282151  0.0263374  -1.071   0.2840    
## factor(isocioa)2  0.2190756  0.0239274   9.156   <2e-16 ***
## factor(isocioa)3  0.3601995  0.0250424  14.384   <2e-16 ***
## sobreedad        -0.0051384  0.0021680  -2.370   0.0178 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.7485 on 33006 degrees of freedom
##   (1177 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.3192, Adjusted R-squared:  0.319 
## F-statistic:  2210 on 7 and 33006 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
rightfit_math=lm(mdesemp~ ldesemp + factor(sector)+ factor(gender) +
                         ap26 + ap39_02 + ap40_01 + factor(isocioa),data=mydata)
## Call:
## lm(formula = mdesemp ~ ldesemp + factor(sector) + factor(gender) + 
##     ap26 + ap39_02 + ap40_01 + factor(isocioa), data = mydata)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.25127 -0.50469  0.01578  0.52603  2.61051 
## Coefficients:
##                   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)       0.813066   0.025988  31.286  < 2e-16 ***
## ldesemp           0.439687   0.004720  93.144  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(sector)2   0.312291   0.008758  35.656  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(gender)2  -0.169882   0.008077 -21.032  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(gender)3  -0.134028   0.037599  -3.565 0.000365 ***
## ap26             -0.032972   0.002972 -11.094  < 2e-16 ***
## ap39_02          -0.047744   0.002490 -19.175  < 2e-16 ***
## ap40_01           0.086066   0.002468  34.872  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(isocioa)1 -0.095942   0.025529  -3.758 0.000171 ***
## factor(isocioa)2  0.064344   0.023136   2.781 0.005420 ** 
## factor(isocioa)3  0.217876   0.024310   8.962  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.7201 on 33003 degrees of freedom
##   (1177 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.3683, Adjusted R-squared:  0.3681 
## F-statistic:  1924 on 10 and 33003 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Let’s try other supervised learning techniques: tree-based models

Decision trees for Language Performance Prediction

## Warning: package 'rpart' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'rpart.plot' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Warning: package 'rattle' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Loading required package: bitops
## Warning: package 'bitops' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Rattle: A free graphical interface for data science with R.
## Version 5.4.0 Copyright (c) 2006-2020 Togaware Pty Ltd.
## Type 'rattle()' to shake, rattle, and roll your data.
# AER Package (AER: Applied Econometrics with R)
## Warning: package 'AER' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Loading required package: lmtest
## Warning: package 'lmtest' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Loading required package: sandwich
## Warning: package 'sandwich' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Loading required package: survival

Subset data including predictor variables

tree_base <- subset(mydata, select = c(ldesemp, mdesemp, ap22, isocioa, sobreedad))

Rename variables

names(tree_base)[1] <- "lang_perf"
names(tree_base)[2] <- "math_perf"
names(tree_base)[3] <- "job_pay"
names(tree_base)[4] <- "socioeconom"
names(tree_base)[5] <- "overage"

Create new dataset without missing data

tree_base <- na.omit(tree_base)

Recode lang_perf as dummy (1 for satisfactory and advanced, 0 for basic and below). Then set seed.

tree_base$lang_perf <- ifelse(tree_base$lang_perf >= "3", 1, 0);

Order data by row number

new_tree_base <- tree_base[sample(nrow(tree_base)),]

Index for training data (selection of 70 % of data)

t_idx <- sample(seq_len(nrow(tree_base)), size = round(0.70 * nrow(tree_base)))

Build train and test data

traindata <- new_tree_base[t_idx,]
testdata <- new_tree_base[ - t_idx,]

Decision tree model

dtree_lang <- rpart::rpart(formula = lang_perf ~ ., data = traindata, method = "class", control = rpart.control(cp = 0.001)) # complexity parameter

Plot Decision tree for language performance

rattle::fancyRpartPlot(dtree_lang, type = 1, main = "Decision tree: Language Performance", caption = "Accomplish at Least Satisfactory Language Performance Level" )

resultdt <- predict(dtree_lang, newdata = testdata, type = "class")

Confusion matrix

cm_langdt <- table(testdata$lang_perf, resultdt, dnn = c("Actual", "Predicted"))
##       Predicted
## Actual    0    1
##      0 1288 1491
##      1  807 6318

Predicted Accomplish rate

cm_langdt[4] / sum(cm_langdt[, 2])
## [1] 0.8090665

Predicted Not Accomplish rate

cm_langdt[1] / sum(cm_langdt[, 1])
## [1] 0.6147971


accuracydt <- sum(diag(cm_langdt)) / sum(cm_langdt)
## [1] 0.7679725

Conditional Inference Tree for Language Performance Prediction

# install.packages("party") 
## Warning: package 'party' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Loading required package: grid
## Loading required package: mvtnorm
## Warning: package 'mvtnorm' was built under R version 4.0.3
## Loading required package: modeltools
## Warning: package 'modeltools' was built under R version 4.0.3
## Loading required package: stats4
## Attaching package: 'modeltools'
## The following object is masked from 'package:car':
##     Predict
## Loading required package: strucchange
## Warning: package 'strucchange' was built under R version 4.0.5
## Attaching package: 'strucchange'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stringr':
##     boundary
cit <- ctree(lang_perf~ ., data = traindata)
plot(cit, main = "Conditional Inference Tree")

Confusion matrix

cm_langcit = table(testdata$lang_perf, round(predict(cit, newdata = testdata)), dnn = c("Actual", "Predicted"))
##       Predicted
## Actual    0    1
##      0 1161 1618
##      1  706 6419

Predicted Accomplish rate

cm_langcit[4] / sum(cm_langcit[, 2])
## [1] 0.7986811

Predicted Not Accomplish rate

cm_langcit[1] / sum(cm_langcit[, 1])
## [1] 0.6218532


accuracycit <- sum(diag(cm_langcit)) / sum(cm_langcit)
## [1] 0.7653473

Decision trees for Math Performance Prediction

Subset data including predictor variables

tree_base <- subset(mydata, select = c(mdesemp, ldesemp, sector, gender, ap26,
                                            ap39_02, ap40_01, isocioa))

Rename variables

names(tree_base)[1] <- "math_perf"
names(tree_base)[2] <- "lang_perf"
names(tree_base)[5] <- "absent"
names(tree_base)[6] <- "dif_writing"
names(tree_base)[7] <- "enjoy_math"
names(tree_base)[8] <- "socioeconom"

Create new dataset without missing data

tree_base <- na.omit(tree_base)

Recode math_perf as dummy (1 for satisfactory and advanced, 0 for basic and below). Set seed.

tree_base$math_perf <- ifelse(tree_base$math_perf >= "3", 1, 0);

Order data by row number

new_tree_base <- tree_base[sample(nrow(tree_base)),]

Index for training data (selection of 70 % of data)

t_idx <- sample(seq_len(nrow(tree_base)), size = round(0.70 * nrow(tree_base)))

Build train and test data

traindata <- new_tree_base[t_idx,]
testdata <- new_tree_base[ - t_idx,]

Decision tree model for math performance prediction

dtree_math <- rpart::rpart(formula = math_perf ~ ., data = traindata, method = "class", control = rpart.control(cp = 0.001)) # complexity parameter

Plot Decision tree for math performance

rattle::fancyRpartPlot(dtree_math, type = 1, main = "Decision tree: Math Performance", caption = "Accomplish at Least Satisfactory Math Performance Level" )

resultdt <- predict(dtree_math, newdata = testdata, type = "class")

Confusion matrix

cm_mathdt <- table(testdata$math_perf, resultdt, dnn = c("Actual", "Predicted"))
##       Predicted
## Actual    0    1
##      0 4965  910
##      1 1418 2611

Predicted Accomplish rate

cm_mathdt[4] / sum(cm_mathdt[, 2])
## [1] 0.7415507

Predicted Not Accomplish rate

cm_mathdt[1] / sum(cm_mathdt[, 1])
## [1] 0.7778474


accuracydt <- sum(diag(cm_mathdt)) / sum(cm_mathdt)
## [1] 0.7649435

Conditional Inference Tree for Math Performance Prediction

cit <- ctree(math_perf~ ., data = traindata)
plot(cit, main = "Conditional Inference Tree")

Confusion matrix

cm_mathcit = table(testdata$math_perf, round(predict(cit, newdata = testdata)), dnn = c("Actual", "Predicted"))
##       Predicted
## Actual    0    1
##      0 5053  822
##      1 1545 2484

Predicted Accomplish rate

cm_mathcit[4] / sum(cm_mathcit[, 2])
## [1] 0.7513612

Predicted Not Accomplish rate

cm_mathcit[1] / sum(cm_mathcit[, 1])
## [1] 0.7658381


accuracycit <- sum(diag(cm_mathcit)) / sum(cm_mathcit)
## [1] 0.7610057